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Exercise of the Month - October 2009: “Lat Stretch”

While chin-ups and pull-ups are two great back exercises when it comes to “vertical pulling,” some people do experience post-workout muscle soreness/tightness in these areas.  Deadlifts also induce lat soreness in some exercise enthusiasts.  To combat/minimize this tightness, I often have clients engage in a static stretch for their lats during a workout. We’ll sometimes pair two exercises and follow it with a static lat stretch.  It’d look something like this:


pair w/

Split Squats

Lat Stretch x 10 sec ea

If you experience tightness in the lats (the area on either side of your torso that begins right around the armpit area and extends down to the side of your waist), consider this stretch.  It really helps loosen up the affected area.

drawing of the Latissimus dorsi

Athlete performing a lat stretch

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