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Exercise of the Month - January 2007: “Lateral Leg Swings”

A great dynamic warm-up activity, “lateral leg swings” are used to engage the muscles around the hips, inner thighs (adductors), and outer thighs (abductors). They should be performed, particularly initially, while holding onto a fixed object to keep one’s balance in check.

The idea is to allow the leg doing the swinging left and right to move freely throughout a pain-free, full range of motion (R.O.M.). The leg on the ground should remain stable and with a slight bend at the knee if desired. Try performing the lateral leg swing for 1-3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg (one repetition is swinging the leg through a full range of motion away from the body then in across the body). Good luck and make sure to allow the leg to swing freely and comfortably!

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